BBC: VICTORIA DERBYSHIRE: WHY BOYS SHOULD RECEIVE THE HPV VACCINEJun 7, 2017 ‘It’s not the cervical cancer jab, it’s the 5% of all cancer jab’Watch NOMAN’s co-founder, Tristan Almada on the Victoria Derbyshire show discussing why boys as well as girls should be vaccinated against HPV.Watch
‘It’s not the cervical cancer jab, it’s the 5% of all cancer jab’Watch NOMAN’s co-founder, Tristan Almada on the Victoria Derbyshire show discussing why boys as well as girls should be vaccinated against HPV.Watch
METRO: HPV isn’t just a women’s issue, so why has it become a women’s issue?‘Only around one in three people know that HPV causes cancers in men,’
METRO: ‘My throat cancer was caused by HPV – men need to know they can get it too’Read Metro's interview with head and neck cancer survivor, and NOMAN alumni, Steve Bergman.