Day Three
The second dawn at sea would be their last for all but one of the crews.
Team Trafigura Foundation continued to lead at the start of the day and despite a strengthening headwind slowing progress the distance between them and Team Jamison - GS Gives remains fairly constant.
Each boat has an AIS unit onboard. This allows the crews to be seen by other vessels with the same system fitted, this is now very commonplace and helps to avoid many near-miss incidents. So close were the crews, that at one point Team Trafigura received a collision alert on their unit. Which vessel were they at risk of colliding with? None other than Team Jamison - GS Gives!!
As the afternoon heat continued to burn strong Team Trafigura Foundation rounded the eastern end of the island and passed between the main island of Ibiza and the island of Tagomago just a mile or so off the shores of the white Isle.
At this point, nothing could stop the leaders. There was nothing which Team Jamison - GS Gives could do to overhaul the lead. Despite their combined previous rowing experience, both in a previous NOMAN race, in competitive rowing and at Olympic medalist level, they were simply unable to assail the crew ahead.
Shortly after 8pm Team Trafigura Foundation crossed the finish line. Greeted by friends and family on the dock at Santa Eulalia del Riu it was evident how much the event had taken out of the crew as they hauled themselves out of the boat and onto solid land for the first time in two and half days.
Less than 90 minutes later Team Jamison -GS Gives crossed the finish line with and exceptional 2nd place.
Incredibly this year, all crews were very close to each other and in the early hours of the morning supporters of Team Making Pictures were heading to the dockside to see their team arrive.
Despite losing their most experienced crew member after 24 hours at sea Team End HPV had never stopped pushing. We later discovered that the crew decided to press on with a brutal schedule of rowing. Brutal for Jasper who would be rowing by himself most of the time for his 90 minute shift. The strength he displayed both physically, and that of his character is nothing short of incredible.
The crew were all obviously exhausted but to finish within 12 hours of the event winners despite being a man shy of a full crew for the duration is incredible.
And so ends the first leg of the NOMAN is an Island: Row to End HPV. Some incredible racing, immense physical effort and lots and lots of type two fun. Definitely an "experience" to remember.
Day Two
The joy of seeing their second dawn at sea for our four crews is tempered by the knowledge that another hot day on the oars lies ahead.
Overnight the temperature onboard the boats drops slightly and gives our rowers a bit of respite from the savage temperatures experienced thus far.
We're happy to report that Jez is recovering well on the support yacht and has found it easier to manage his sea sickness although he has been sleeping on deck as a view of the horizon reduces the risk of a repeat performance.
Team Making Pictures were treated yesterday by a visit from a whale which has inspired them all. What must it feel like to be in a boat which is smaller than the whale swimming next to you? Not many people can say that this has happened to them.
Last night saw the crews experience their first patch of really adverse weather. Thankfully this southerly breeze didn't last too long and so only slightly delayed the crew's progress.
Progress for all teams remains exceptional with Team Trafigura Foundation less than three miles in the lead.
We're expecting some of the crews to arrive overnight tonight and the rest sometime later Thursday. It's been brutal but the crews are certainly in the home stretch now.
Day One
The crews set off just 24 short hours ago. Since then, the four rowers have taken turns to propel their vessel with nothing more than their muscles.
Winds have generally been quite light and out of the east. This has helped them make excellent progress as they targeted the first waypoint in the race. This is away from the direct course between the start and finish to ensure that the crews stay away from the shipping lanes where there is a higher density of larger commercial vessels.
First around the mark was Team Trafigura Foundation at 15:35 and they were followed just 20 minutes later by Team Jamison / GS Gives.
Team End HPV and Making Pictures rounded the make slightly further back but still very much in contention.
As the sun set, the rowers delighted in the slightly cooler conditions.
Through the first day of the race, and despite taking sea sickness medication, Jeremy Webb from Team End HPV had been suffering with sea sickness. By dawn it hadn't improved and in conjunction with the crew, the decision was made to extract Jeremy from the rowing boat to the support yacht, where his condition could be monitored carefully.
He has spent his time sipping water and electrolytes while enjoying the shade of the bimini cover and a light breeze.
And so we enter Day 2 with one crew depleted but far from out of the race, and a real nip and tuck developing at the front of the fleet.
Race Start
10 years ago, 2 crews set out in a race to Ibiza in the name of ending HPV cancers.
As morning broke over Barcelona today, 4 fearless crews followed in the footsteps of 147 participants and pushed away from shore for the 10th anniversary edition of our Barcelona - Ibiza: Row to End HPV races at 07:45am local time.
The start time was brought forward to give the crews more time before the onshore breeze picks up. The teams can expect light and sustained winds from the east, assisting them towards the first waypoint before they head to Ibiza. The forecast calls for lighter winds through to the end of Tuesday.
Leaving behind the comforts of land means that the rowers will need to adapt and acclimatise to many new experiences; those who can do so quickest in their new home whilst rowing across the Mediterranean amidst the heat will do well during this first day and beyond.
Race updates will be published on this page.
Meet the Teams
Team Jamison - GS Gives

from left to right: Steve J, Jeff Currie, Will Satch MBE, Thomas J.
Team Trafigura Foundation

from left to right: Tristan Almada, Michael Gabathuler, Casey Dwyer, Dean Woodward
Team Making Pictures

from left to right: Tim Jenkin, Kerry Briscoe, Iain Thompson, Martin Brown

from left to right: Loik Iseli, Jasper Holst, Patrick Coote, Jeremy Webb